Transgender Health and Tobacco Use

Did you know smoking or vaping during gender transition has added risks?

The Extra Risks

Smoking or vaping during gender transition can:

  • Add more stress on your heart and increase the risk of heart attack or disease. (Taking hormones also places stress on your heart.)
  • Cause surgical complications related to anesthesia, infection and scarring.
  • Narrow blood vessels, reducing oxygen to surgical areas, which slows healing.

Resources for Quitting Commercial Tobacco

When you quit smoking or vaping, your immune system starts to rebound.

Quitting smoking or vaping is difficult, but you aren't alone.

  • Check with your provider, if you have one, for support with quitting smoking or vaping. Your provider can help you work on a full health plan.
  • QuitlineNC is a free North Carolina service that offers support and coaching. QuitlineNC is a safe and affirming resource. Get started today with QuitlineNC.