Materials About Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis

Version en español

Protect your community. Share information to increase testing for syphilis and to help reduce spread.

These materials are related to syphilis and congenital syphilis. Check back for updates with new flyers, graphics and other materials for your use.

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General Syphilis - Social Media Toolkit  (downloads as .zip folder)

This ZIP archive contains several files. To open them, use a computer. Download the ZIP file. Then, right-click the file, select "Extract All" (Windows PC) or "Open With" > "Archive Utility" (Mac), and follow the prompts.

More languages: Spanish

Congenital Syphilis - Social Media Toolkit (downloads as .zip folder)

This ZIP archive contains several files. To open them, use a computer. Download the ZIP file. Then, right-click the file, select "Extract All" (Windows PC) or "Open With" > "Archive Utility" (Mac), and follow the prompts.

More languages: Spanish

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Flyer: Protect Your Baby (Bilingual, English/Spanish)


Rack Card: Protect Your Baby (Bilingual, English/Spanish)

Brochure: Syphilis Prenatal Screening (English)
Produced by the Centers for Disease Control 

More languages: Spanish

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Poster: You May Have Syphilis and Not Know It / Protect Your Baby (Bilingual, English/Spanish)
Poster: Stop Syphilis in its Tracks / Protect Your Baby - For Providers (Bilingual, English/Spanish) 

Posters: Stop Congenital Syphilis in its Tracks (English, .zip folder)

This ZIP archive contains several files. To open them, use a computer. Download the ZIP file. Then, right-click the file, select "Extract All" (Windows PC) or "Open With" > "Archive Utility" (Mac), and follow the prompts.

Posters: Stop Syphilis in its Tracks - MSM Community (English, .zip folder)

This ZIP archive contains several files. To open them, use a computer. Download the ZIP file. Then, right-click the file, select "Extract All" (Windows PC) or "Open With" > "Archive Utility" (Mac), and follow the prompts.