Well and Septic Safety Following Hurricane Helene

Was your private well or septic system affected by Hurricane Helene? Protect your health by taking these safety measures before use.

Was your private well or septic system affected by Hurricane Helene? Protect your health by taking these safety measures before use. 

Private wells and septic systems should be inspected and repaired if damaged.

Get a free well water disinfection and collection kit

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More than 300,000 people in or near flood-impacted areas in Western North Carolina rely on private wells. Even more people use septic systems.

If you lost access to well water or septic because of Hurricane Helene, you may be eligible for FEMA assistance. Apply for FEMA assistance online or call 800-621-3362.

Safety Measures for Private Wells

Excessive rain and flooding can cause water in private wells to become contaminated. Until your well is disinfected and tested, do not use the water for:

  • Drinking or making ice
  • Washing and preparing food, including baby formula
  • Washing dishes
  • Personal hygiene, like brushing your teeth or washing your hands

Consuming water contaminated with dangerous bacteria can make you sick. People with medical conditions are at higher risk for getting very sick or dying.

Until your well is tested, use bottled, boiled or treated water to ensure safety.

Follow these steps to assess your well:

  • Wait to turn on electricity. Do not turn on the electricity to your pump until flood waters recede.
  • Check your well for damage. If your well is damaged, contact a licensed well driller for help. Find a Certified Well Contractor in your county.
  • Disinfect your well. If you determined your well isn't damaged and have materials on hand, disinfect your well to prepare for testing. How to Disinfect Your Well After a Flood (PDF).
  • Test your well. You can't see, taste or smell bacterial contamination in your well. This means it's critical to have the water tested after disinfection. Testing helps determine whether it's safe for use.
    • Free testing is available through your local health department.
    • Contact your local health department for more testing if you live near these areas, especially if you smell fuel or chemicals in your water:
      • Animal feeding operations
      • Agricultural fields where pesticides are applied
      • Industrial chemical factories
  • Interpret your results. Your local health department or testing lab will provide results as soon as possible. Need help interpreting your results?

We're working to provide free disinfection and sampling kits across Western North Carolina.

Safety Measures for Septic Systems

Floods and storms can affect your septic system, resulting in:

  • Sewage backup
  • Dangerous gases
  • Contaminated wastewater

Reduce disease risk: Keep your family, especially children and pets, away from areas affected by sewage or wastewater.

After flooding or damage, protect your septic system and your health:

  • Do not use the plumbing system while the septic tank is still under water.
  • Look for signs that your septic system may have been damaged:
    • Soil settling around the septic tank or drain field
    • Septic system components that have moved or surfaced
    • Sewage backup into your home or wastewater on the ground
  • Do not use your plumbing system if sewage water has backed up into your home. Avoid contact with any sewage from a septic tank that is not operating.
  • Avoid putting floodwater or disinfectants into the system. This can cause further damage. Instead, contact your local health department if your system requires repairs.
  • Get your septic system inspected by a certified wastewater system inspector. Find an inspector near you: Call the NC Onsite Wastewater Contractors and Inspectors Certification Board at 336-202-3126.
  • Before restoring power to the system, ensure your electrical and system components are working properly:
    • Check the electrical system for any damage
    • Clean the effluent filter or screen
    • Determine whether your septic tank needs to be pumped by a licensed professional before coming back online.
  • For help or more information on repairing or constructing a septic tank system, contact your county health department.

If you have sewage backup in your home, avoid exposure or direct contact with the debris. Wear rubber gloves, boots, and eye protection while cleaning and disinfecting the area.

Guidance on Septic Repairs (PDF)

More Resources


Related Press Release: NCDHHS Urges Well and Septic Safety Following Hurricane Helene

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