Into the Mouths of Babes Toolkit
NC Medicaid requires training for medical professionals and staff providing IMB services. The NC Oral Health Section offers a live one-hour CME session. Contact the Oral Health Section at 919-707-5480.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Training Others in Your Practice
IMB Videos
Children's Oral Health: The Oral Preventive Procedure
Connecting the Docs for Children's Oral Health: The PORRT Assessment and Referral Tool
Toolkit Materials
Tab/Accordion Items
- Frequently Asked Questions About Fluoride Varnish and the IMB Procedure
- Garcia RI, Gregorich SE, Ramos-Gomez F, Braun PA, Wilson A, Albino J, et al. Absence of fluoride varnish-related adverse events in caries prevention trials in young children, US. Prev Chronic Dis 2017;14:160372.
- Marinho V.C.C., Worthington H.V., Walsh T., Clarkson J.E., Fluoride varnishes for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2013, Issue 7. (abstract available free of charge)
- Pahel, Bhavna, Rozier R. Gary, Stearns, Sally, Quinonez, Rocio. Effectiveness of preventive dental treatments by physicians for young Medicaid enrollees. Pediatrics Vol. 123 No. 3 March 1, 2011, pp. e682-e689.
- Early Childhood Oral Health Brochure - English
- Early Childhood Oral Health Brochure - Spanish
- Focus on Fluoride Varnish - English (PDF, 708 KB) Post op take home page for parents, reminding them to wait and brush their child’s teeth the day after fluoride varnish application.
- Focus on Fluoride Varnish - Spanish (PDF, 690 KB) Post op take home page for parents, reminding them to wait and brush their child’s teeth the day after fluoride varnish application.
- Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles: series of one-page tip sheets for parents
- Supporting the Dental Home: Dental Referral Checklist
- AAP Policy Statement: Maintaining and improving the oral health of young children (December 2014, reaffirmed January 2019)
- N.C. Medicaid Dental Providers list
- N.C. Safety Net Dental Clinics
- Does your water have fluoride? Visit My Water’s Fluoride
- Fluoride Supplementation Guide (PDF)
- Smiles for Life: A National Oral Health Curriculum, Society of Teachers of Family Medicine
- AAP Campaign for Dental Health
- Nursing Standing Order Template for Physician Fluoride Varnish Services (DOCX)
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