Tips and Education

State public health dental hygienists provide oral health education and training programs that include videos, interactive demonstrations, and printed educational materials. Instruction covers dental disease prevention, oral hygiene practices, dental injury prevention and professional dental care practices. Programs are targeted toward all age groups with a focus on vulnerable populations, such as young children, the frail elderly and those with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Educational Materials

Tab/Accordion Items

Plaque & Gum Disease
What is Dental Plaque? Video and information about dental plaque. (Ages 3-Adult)

Gum Disease
Review the types of gum diseases, risk factors, symptoms and much more. (Adult)

Oral Hygiene
Video on Oral Hygiene (Ages 3 - Adult)
Information sheet and video demonstrating recommended technique for flossing.  (Ages 3-Adult)

Safety and First Aid
Information detailing common dental emergencies and how to deal with them (Ages 5-Adult)

Information for when to wear a mouth guard, types, replacement, and care. 
(Ages 3-6)

Rethink Your Drink Campaign: Education on identifying healthy drinks and the link between consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks and health risks. A curriculum is also provided for high school students. 

Healthy Habits for Happy Smiles Handouts provide oral health tips for infants and young children as well as for pregnant women.

Baby Oral Health Program (bOHP) website has resources for caregivers and health professionals.

Find Medicaid or CHIP Dental Providers in NC

Brushing is Fun: How to Brush Young Children's Teeth Video (English) (Spanish)

For Caregivers of Seniors

Mouth Care Basics: Learn how to provide mouth care for elderly with teeth and dentures

Tips for brushing and flossing

Managing Dry Mouth

For Caregivers of Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities:

Practical oral care tips

Everyday dental care tips

For the General Adult Population

Diabetes and Oral Health

Oral and Throat Cancer

Oral Care During Cancer Treatment